All cuddeled up in my favorite cozy blanket with a warm coffee,ahhh life is good. No it's more than good it's beautiful. I hear the wind wipping around and a train off in the distance, I could stay here all day. I don't know why but I love the sound of the train.
It's the simple littel parts of life that I have come to love.
If I was to paint one object to represent my thoughts it would be a flower, like the ones we drew as kids, all the petals one by one each a different color. Each petal simple, delicate, beautiful. Alone it's simple, a subtle scented unique petal, alll together it's full of fragrance bursting with life, swaying in the breeze,almost like a dance. Supported by this littel stem, what no one sees is the roots below that anchor this delicate creation and give it life. The flower can be plucked and for a time forgotten but the roots are strong and give way to life again.
Funny as it sounds I see myself as this flower, each petal representing a friendship, a story, an afternoon at the bookstore, a picnic, an afternoon flying a kite, so many beautiful simple memories. Happy and dancing in the wind while the birds fly singing their beautiful song, one pluck and for a time life seems disrupted, unfair. What no one sees though, my roots are planted firm and deep and life emerges again, this time, stronger with an even greater appreciation for the beautiful life I have been given.
In the last few months I have been given the blessing of reconecting with old friends and old clients, meeting new people and new friendships. Friends become family, clients become friends. Kindness,laughter,compassion, become the watering source.
I want to be that watering source in the field of flowers around me.To flourish along side this beautiful vibrant rolling hillside!
This is my year to grow.To share.To enjoy the simple beauty all around.
The salon is the perfect place for me, I have the privelage of meeting so many and enjoying the day with so many. What a blessing to truly love the place I go everyday. I have said for so long I did not do this to buy myself a job, yes it's a buisness, but it's definately run in a completely different way.Because when my flower has been picked for the final time here, my gravestone will not say ' i wish my sales were up another 20%' and it will not say ' I'm sorry I didn't have the time for you" I want it to say something on the lines of ' she loved me the most' or 'she truly lived to love', I don't know exactly but I'm trying to live mylife with a view to the end,not in a morbid sense but in a way of awareness.
So as corny as it may sound, I just want tot see you smile and walk out of my salon with something a littel extra that you may not have had when you walked in, a littel hope if your situation seems hopeless, a littel happiness if you are overwhelmed, a littel rest if you are exhausted, and a place to share your joy and a place where we can share a laugh and a fresh cup of coffee, and of course you will leave with a fabulous new hairdo!!!
Have a wonderful day!! Destiny
Destiny, my friend, YOU are a Beautiful soul.